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Award Definition & Meaning

1. A prize or recognition given to someone for their achievements or contributions.

Example: She won an award for her outstanding performance in the school play.

2. A legal decision or judgment given in a court of law.

Example: The judge's award granted full custody of the children to the mother.

3. To give or grant something as a result of a decision or judgment.

Example: The company decided to award the contract to the lowest bidder.

4. A formal document or certificate given to someone to acknowledge their accomplishments.

Example: He proudly displayed his award for completing the marathon.

5. To assign a certain amount of money or compensation to someone for a particular service or work.

Example: The company decided to award a bonus to its top-performing employees.

Examples of the word award used in sentences.

  • The company was presented with an award for their excellent customer service.
  • My son was given an award for being the best student in his grade level.
  • The chef was awarded a Michelin star for his exceptional culinary skills.
  • I received an award for perfect attendance in class last semester.
  • The actor won an award for his outstanding performance in the movie.
  • The film won an award at the international film festival for best screenplay.
  • The volunteers who cleaned the park were given an award for their hard work.
  • I was very happy to receive an award for my excellent grades at school.
  • The famous author was given a literary award for her novel that talked about gender inequality.
  • The company received an award for the best customer service in the retail industry.
  • The acclaimed writer's latest book was highly praised, earning her yet another literary award.
  • In recognition of his artistic prowess, the painter was given an award for his outstanding work.
  • Despite facing challenges, she managed to receive a prestigious award for her exceptional leadership skills.
  • The team's consistent performance led to their receiving the coveted award of excellence in sports.
  • The organization recognized his contributions to the community and presented him with an award of merit.
  • I am so proud of my sister who received an award for her outstanding work as a nurse in the hospital.
  • The company won the award for the Best Employer of the Year due to their excellent employee benefits.
  • My daughter won an award for the best painting in her class.
  • Last month, the school organized a ceremony to give awards to students who performed well in their studies.
  • The actor was thrilled to be presented with an award for his role in the movie.
  • The company received an award for their eco-friendly practices.
  • I was surprised when I received an award for my contribution to the charity.
  • She won an award for her outstanding performance in the school play.
  • The athlete's hard work and dedication earned him an award at the sports ceremony.
  • She won the Best Actress award for her outstanding performance in the movie.
  • The Nobel Peace Prize is one of the most prestigious awards in the world.
  • The company received an award for their innovative product design.
  • The charity organization was recognized with an award for their exceptional work in helping underprivileged communities.
  • He was presented with an award for his contributions to the field of science.
  • John was very happy when he received an award for being the best employee of the year.
  • The school's drama club put on a remarkable performance and won the award for Best Ensemble Cast at the state competition.
  • The movie "Parasite" won numerous awards at the Oscars, including Best Picture and Best Director.
  • After years of hard work, Maria earned an award for her groundbreaking research on sustainable agriculture.
  • In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the field of medicine, Dr. Watson was presented with a prestigious lifetime achievement award.
  • Emma received an award for her exceptional leadership skills and dedication to helping others in her community.
  • Winning the Nobel Prize was the most prestigious award that the scientist had ever received in his lifetime.
  • The famous author was invited to the event to present an award to the winner of the literary contest.
  • The organization was honored with an award for its outstanding contribution to the field of education.
  • The athletes were celebrated with an award ceremony after their remarkable performance in the national tournament.
  • Being recognized with the highest award in the film industry was a dream come true for the young actress.
  • The prestigious award ceremony was attended by the most influential people in the industry.
  • Winning the Pulitzer Prize was the crowning achievement of my career as a journalist.
  • She received an award for her charitable work, which had a significant impact on the community.
  • As the recipient of multiple prestigious awards in my field, I am recognized as an expert in my craft.
  • Her contributions to the company were so valuable that she was awarded a generous bonus.
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