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Attention Definition & Meaning

1. The act of focusing one's mind on something or someone.

Example: "she paid close attention to the teacher's instructions."

2. The amount of consideration or notice given to something.

Example: "the new product received a lot of attention from consumers."

3. A state of being alert and aware of one's surroundings.

Example: "the soldier remained vigilant and paid close attention to any movement."

4. A formal act of recognition, such as a medal or award.

Example: "the athlete received a lot of attention after winning the gold medal."

5. A request or demand for someone's time or presence.

Example: "the boss called for the employee's attention to discuss the new project."

Examples of the word attention used in sentences.

  • Please pay attention in class so you can learn new things.
  • My teacher gave me extra attention and helped me understand the lesson better.
  • The boss demanded the employees' attention during the important meeting.
  • Paying attention to your health by eating well and exercising is important.
  • The traffic light turned red, so I paid attention to my surroundings before crossing the street.
  • The teacher asked the students to pay attention in class.
  • The tour guide drew everyone's attention to the beautiful scenery.
  • The news headline caught my attention this morning.
  • Please pay attention during this important meeting.
  • The baby cries for attention when she wants to be picked up.
  • When you're working on a project, it's important to pay close attention to the details.
  • If you want to make a good impression during a job interview, it's crucial to give the interviewer your full attention.
  • The teacher admonished the students to pay more attention during class if they wanted to do well on their exams.
  • Many children with ADHD struggle to maintain focus and sustain attention for extended periods of time.
  • Please direct your attention to the emergency exit signs located in each corner of this room.
  • Please pay attention to the teacher during class.
  • The baby craved attention from his parents.
  • The movie captured my attention from the beginning until the end.
  • The police officer directed traffic to grab the attention of drivers.
  • The doctor told his patient to watch their diet and pay attention to their health.
  • The doctor advised her to seek medical attention immediately.
  • The teacher asked the students to pay attention to his explanation.
  • Please pay attention to the road while driving.
  • The loud noise grabbed everyone's attention in the room.
  • The news article caught the attention of many readers.
  • The tour guide drew the group's attention to the historical significance of the old building they were admiring.
  • The manager found out that the employees weren't paying attention to the safety protocols, which led to an accident.
  • The doctor called her patient's attention to the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle to prevent illnesses.
  • The teacher asked the students to pay attention during the lecture to ensure they understand the lesson.
  • Please pay attention to the signs on the road, they will guide you to your destination safely.
  • The driver's lack of attention caused a major accident on the highway.
  • The new restaurant in town is getting a lot of attention for its unique and innovative dishes.
  • As a teacher, I always pay attention to my students' body language to understand if they are engaged or struggling with the lesson.
  • It's important to give equal attention and opportunities to all employees in the workplace.
  • The doctor advised me to pay closer attention to my diet and exercise routine to improve my health.
  • The stunning artwork in the gallery demanded my full attention.
  • As a teacher, it's important to keep your students' attention so they can learn effectively.
  • The loud noise from the construction site was distracting and made it hard to focus my attention on my work.
  • It's crucial to pay close attention to your diet and exercise when trying to lose weight.
  • The politician's speech captured the attention of the entire audience.
  • Despite the challenges of the pandemic, our team has managed to deliver high-quality work with great attention to detail.
  • The book was so engaging that I read it in one sitting, fully absorbed and giving it my undivided attention.
  • With so many distractions vying for our attention in today's digital age, it's essential to cultivate mindfulness and focus on what truly matters.
  • As a renowned public speaker, I know how to capture the audience's attention and keep it throughout my speech.
  • When it comes to investing, it's important to pay close attention to the market trends and make informed decisions accordingly.
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