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Approving Definition & Meaning

1. Giving consent or agreement to something.

Example: The boss approving the new project proposal.

2. Expressing satisfaction or appreciation towards someone or something.

Example: The teacher approving the student's essay.

3. Conferring official authorization or permission.

Example: The government approving the construction of a new building.

4. Acknowledging the validity or correctness of something.

Example: The committee approving the research findings.

5. Supporting or endorsing a particular action or decision.

Example: The team approving the captain's strategy for the game.

Examples of the word approving used in sentences.

  • The boss is approving the employee’s vacation leave.
  • The teacher is approving the student's homework.
  • The parents are approving the school’s curriculum.
  • The doctor is approving the medication for the patient.
  • The government is approving the construction of a new bridge.
  • The teacher was approving of her students' efforts to complete their assignments on time.
  • The committee's approval of the new proposal was met with mixed reactions from the members.
  • Jack's parents were approving of his decision to study abroad for a year.
  • The school principal sent out an email approving the revised calendar for the upcoming academic year.
  • The board of directors were approving of the CEO's decision to invest in technology for the company's growth.
  • The committee is currently reviewing and approving new applications for the scholarship program.
  • The manager gave an approving nod to the team for their excellent work on the project.
  • The board of directors is not inclined towards approving the proposed merger with the competitor.
  • The judge granted approving nods to the defendant's lawyer, who made a compelling argument in court.
  • The customer was pleased to see their credit limit approved for a higher amount than they expected.
  • Despite initial skepticism, the board ultimately ended up approving the proposal due to its potential for long-term success.
  • The investor was hesitant about approving the risky venture, but ultimately decided to take a chance on it.
  • The committee spent hours deliberating over the project proposal before finally approving it.
  • The government's newly proposed policy received mixed reactions, with some citizens approving of it while others strongly opposed it.
  • The board of directors was responsible for approving the company's budget for the upcoming year.
  • After careful review of the application, the college admissions committee gave a unanimous approving decision to the student's acceptance into the program.
  • The CEO stated that he would only approve the merger if the proposed terms were met and would benefit the company in the long run.
  • Despite some pushback from certain shareholders, the company's management team ultimately received an approving vote for their new corporate strategy.
  • The committee members were hesitant about approving the budget allocation, but ultimately decided that it was necessary for the project's success.
  • The teacher praised the student for their well-written paper and approvingly nodded their head.
  • "Despite some initial concerns, the government officials ended up approving the construction of the new highway, citing its potential economic benefits."
  • "The professor smiled approvingly as the student answered the difficult question with ease."
  • "The judge was hesitant at first, but upon hearing the defendant's remorseful plea, he ultimately ended up approving the plea bargain."
  • "After careful review, the board of directors is now approving the new budget proposal."
  • "The parents were proud and approving of their daughter's decision to pursue a career in the medical field."
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