Apparently, it's going to rain later this evening.
He apparently forgot his phone at home today.
Apparently, the restaurant we're going to serves amazing sushi.
Apparently, the bus is running late today.
She apparently likes to play basketball.
Apparently, studying regularly is the key to acing exams.
Apparently, the meeting has been rescheduled for next week.
Apparently, she forgot to submit her assignment on time.
They apparently had a fight last night and didn't speak to each other all morning.
Apparently, the movie was a huge success in the box office.
Apparently, he's been working out for the past few months.
Apparently, the food in that restaurant is amazing.
Apparently, the new album from that band is really good.
It apparently takes five hours to hike to the top of the mountain.
Apparently, she is the new CEO of the company.
She apparently forgot her keys and had to wait outside for an hour.
The meeting has apparently been postponed for a later date.
Apparently, the restaurant we wanted to go to is closed on Sundays.
Apparently, the restaurant is famous for their seafood dishes.
My friend apparently got lost on her way to the airport.
He apparently forgot to bring his laptop to the meeting, causing a delay.
The movie apparently did not meet the audience's expectations, as it received mixed reviews.
Apparently, the meeting has been postponed to next week due to unforeseen circumstances.
Apparently, the new manager has made some significant changes to the company policy.
Apparently, the singer has cancelled his concert tour due to health issues.
Apparently, the restaurant has the best steak in town.
Apparently, according to the report, the company has seen a significant increase in profits this year.
Apparently, the latest research suggests that regular exercise can have a positive impact on mental health.
Apparently, it seems that the new government policies have caused some level of confusion among the citizens.
Apparently, my colleague seems to be experiencing some difficulties with his work, so I offered to assist him.