After the movie, we went to get some ice cream at the shop.
After the meeting, I will send you an email with the details.
After school, I like to play basketball with my friends.
After the rain, the sun comes out and makes the flowers grow.
After dinner, I always brush my teeth and go to bed early.
After the storm passed, we went outside to assess the damage to the house and surrounding area.
After eating, I went for a walk.
After the rain stopped, we could finally play soccer again.
After the movie, we decided to grab some pizza.
After finishing my homework, I watched TV.
After a long day at work, I like to unwind by listening to music or reading a book.
After finishing my dinner, I usually like to take a walk to help digest my food.
After studying hard for months, I finally passed my exams with flying colors.
After the concert ended, we waited outside the venue to see if we could catch a glimpse of the band.
After a long day at work, I like to unwind by taking a relaxing bath.
After reading the job description, I realized that I didn't have the necessary qualifications for the position.
After the rain stopped, we stepped outside to breathe in the fresh, clean air.
After the wedding ceremony, we headed to the reception hall for a night of dancing and celebration.
After trying a bite of the spicy food, I quickly reached for my glass of water to cool my burning mouth.
After winning the marathon, the athlete felt a deep sense of accomplishment and pride. (Sports)
After completing his master's degree, John considered pursuing a PhD. (Academic)
After the first hour of the exam, I realized I had misread the instructions. (Education)
After the restaurant closed down, the owners decided to turn it into a community center. (Business)
After completing his PhD, John secured a prestigious job at a top-tier university.
After the storm, the streets were flooded with debris and fallen branches. (Weather/Natural Disasters)
After the accident, the victim required surgery to repair the damage to his spine.
After listening to the keynote speaker, the audience was inspired to take action.
After enjoying a delicious brunch, we decided to take a stroll through the park.
After years of saving, Sarah was finally able to purchase her dream home.
After the party, we cleaned up the mess.