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Advertisement Definition & Meaning

1. A notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event.

Example: The advertisement on the billboard showcased the latest smartphone from the company.

2. A commercial message intended to persuade or influence people to buy or use a particular product or service.

Example: The tv advertisement for the new car model was very effective in attracting potential buyers.

3. A form of communication used by businesses to reach out to their target audience and create brand awareness.

Example: The company's online advertisement campaign helped them increase their customer base.

4. A promotional activity that involves paid placements in various media channels such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the internet.

Example: The advertisement for the new restaurant appeared in the local newspaper and on social media platforms.

5. A marketing strategy that involves creating and distributing content to promote a product or service without explicitly promoting it.

Example: The company's advertisement disguised as a blog post provided useful information to potential customers about their product.

Examples of the word advertisement used in sentences.

  • I'm looking for an apartment, but all the advertisements I see are way too expensive.
  • My dad hates watching sports games because of all the long advertisements.
  • The advertisement on TV convinced me to buy that new shampoo.
  • I saw an advertisement for a new restaurant in town.
  • My sister found a job through an advertisement in the newspaper.
  • His father became interested in the product after seeing the advertisement on social media.
  • I always skip advertisements on YouTube, they are too long and boring.
  • She decided to apply for the job after seeing the advertisement in the newspaper.
  • I saw an advertisement for a new brand of shampoo on TV this morning.
  • I always ignore the pop-up advertisements while browsing the internet.
  • The advertisement for the upcoming concert was so well-made, I just had to buy tickets.
  • The advertisement claimed that their product could solve any skin problems within a week.
  • The advertisement on the billboard looked impressive, but the product wasn't as good as it seemed.
  • That advertisement for the new phone model caught my attention, I might consider purchasing it.
  • I find it frustrating how many advertisements there are on social media platforms nowadays.
  • The humor in the advertisement for the new fast food chain was entertaining, but it didn't necessarily make me want to try their menu.
  • It's important to critically evaluate an advertisement's message and not base our purchasing decisions solely on it.
  • As a business owner, I always allocate a budget for online advertisements to reach a wider audience.
  • The advertisement of the latest smartphone release highlighted its high-quality camera and impressive battery life.
  • The advertisement for the new car model caught my attention with its sleek design and advanced features.
  • The advertisement for the new perfume, with its striking visuals and captivating music, left a lasting impression on me.
  • The false claims made in that advertisement would have led me to make a purchase that I would have regretted later.
  • The sheer volume of advertisements we are exposed to on a daily basis makes it difficult to filter out the noise and identify the ones that are truly impactful.
  • The advertisement campaign for the charity organization was so powerful that it not only raised awareness but also generated substantial donations.
  • This anti-smoking advertisement really hit home and made me re-think my smoking habits.
  • As a marketer, I think it's important to create advertisements that resonate with the target audience and communicate the brand's unique value proposition.
  • The advertisement campaign for the new cosmetic line was a huge success, resulting in record-breaking sales.
  • The advertisement for the latest iPhone went viral within minutes of being posted on social media.
  • I was annoyed by the constant stream of online advertisements that popped up while I was browsing the internet.
  • The advertisement for the new luxury car was so convincing that I couldn't resist buying it.
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